The advantage stocks have over bonds is that if inflation rises, this net income payment stream should remain relatively constant in real terms ( assuming corporations can match the rise in input costs with price increases). 股票对于债券的优势就在于它对通胀的耐受性,如果通胀上升,就真实购买力而言,净利润也能保持相对恒定(假定公司能够通过价格上涨来转嫁输入成本的上升)。
A parser is invoked when the bit stream that represents an input message is converted to the internal form that can be handled by the broker. 当将表示输入消息的位流转换为可由代理处理的内部形式时,将会调用解析器。
Lex tries each rule in order, matching the longest stream of input it can. lex依次尝试每一个规则,尽可能地匹配最长的输入流。
Stdin is the standard input stream, which provides input to commands. stdin是标准输入流,为命令提供输入。
If it did, wrapper the input stream with a GZIP input stream. 如果是,以GZIP输入流的形式来包装输入流。
The output stream of the socket becomes the input stream to the server application and vice-versa. 套接字的输出流将成为服务器应用程序的输入流,反之亦然。
The stream coming from the TCP connection is the command's standard input, and the command's standard output is sent back through the TCP connection. 来自TCP连接的流是命令的标准输入,命令的标准输出通过TCP连接发送回去。
The parser then sends a stream of these events based on the input XML, which the handler code processes in turn. 解析器根据输入XML发送事件流,然后处理程序代码依次处理事件。
After the pipe, change to a different directory and then extract the byte stream again from the standard input. 在管道符后面,切换到另一个目录,然后从标准输入提取字节流。
The other common operator for redirecting the standard streams is the| ( pipe) operator, which connects the standard output stream of the program on the left hand side to the standard input stream of the program on the right. 另一个常用于重定向标准流的操作符是(管道)操作符,它可以将左侧程序的标准输出流连接到右侧程序的标准输入流。
OMElement provides access to the element data in the form of a StAX javax. xml. stream. XMLStreamReader, which most current data binding frameworks can use directly as input. OMElement以的形式提供了对元素数据的访问,当前大多数的数据绑定框架可以直接使用作为输入。
The Stripper is a good example of a SAX filter, a piece of code that takes a stream of SAX events as input and produces another stream of SAX events as output. Stripper是SAX过滤器的一个良好示例,这是以SAX事件流作为输入,并生成另一个SAX事件流作为输出的一段代码。
The output video stream is affected while the decoder switches from the timing on one input to the video timing on another input. 当解码器从一路输入的时序切换到另一路输入的视频时序时,输出视频流会受影响。
It also presents the quantity of concurrent stream, covering user, access subscriber and budgetary estimate of corresponding input. 再以信号码流介绍及码流选择为基础,介绍了并发流的数量、覆盖用户数、接入用户数以及相关投入概算。
Otherwise, the original character is placed in the output stream, and the input stream is reset to the original position. 否则,将原来的字符放到输出流中,并且将输入流重置到原始位置。
To overcome this, we picked the concept of streams: a stream ( input or output) only deals with a subset of the data of an element. 为了克服这点,我们使用了流:一个流(输入流或输出流)只处理单个项的数据子集。
This paper, connected with practical production of ERW steel pipe, discussed the effect mechanism of the bond width, HAZ width and stream line angle caused by heat input, upsetting force and welding speed during the welding of ERW steel pipe. 本文结合生产实际论述了ERW焊接时输入热量、挤压力、焊接速度对熔合线宽度热影响区宽度、流线上升角的影响机理。
This paper introduces a means to use VB stream to input/ output the image-data of SQL Server database, and gives the main code. 介绍了利用VB流对象实现SqlServer数据库Image型数据字段的输入和输出方法,并给出了主要代码。
The accidence and syntax analysis parts consist of the analysis of data stream of the input directive and the Fortran program. The latter is the emphasis of this article. Its hard core is the accidence analysis builder grammar_lexer. 词法分析和语法分析部分又分为输入命令数据流以及Fortran源程序数据流的词法分析和语法分析,后一部分是本文分析的重点,它以词法分析程序生成器grammarlexer。
The periodic cell stream is a very important member among the input traffic sources in ATM networks. 在输入ATM网络的业务源中,周期性信元流是很重要的一种。
The embedded motion vectors and DC coefficients of DCT transformation in an MPEG-like coded video stream are acquired by partially decoding and used as input to the algorithm. The moving object mask for each P frame is extracted. 算法以通过部分解码得到的运动向量和亮度分量的直流DCT系数作为输入,提取P帧的运动目标。
The Pinyin Stream conversion is a new approach to Chinese character input. 拼音流转换技术是当前解决汉字输入问题的一个新方向。
A discrete lazy stream for input and output in functional languages 函数式程序的离散式延迟输入输出流
Using VB Stream to Input/ Output Image-data of SQL Server Database 利用VB流输入/输出SqlServer数据库Image型数据
Because of the compatibility between DSP softwares, modules developed in this solution, such as front-end control, stream input, demultiplex, audio decoding, audio output can be used in the future. 由于DSP软件的兼容性,本方案开发的前端控制、码流输入、解复用、音频解码、音频输出等软件模块可在将来实现的系统中沿用。
In the system, the hardware implementation of the transport stream input, video displaying and audio playing has been resolved. In addition, high-speed data exchange between on-chip and off-chip memory space is implemented successfully with hardware means. 该硬件系统解决了传送流输入、视频显示和音频播放的硬件实现,还通过硬件手段较好地解决了系统高数据吞吐率的问题。
This decoding system supports mixed stream input composed of image and video, can adjust the decoding and displaying process according to the stream content dynamically, providing an decoding and real-time displaying program for the Integrating Compression System on Image and Video. 系统支持静止活动图像混合码流输入,能根据码流内容动态地调整解码及显示方式,提供了静止图像和活动图像一体化解码及实时显示方案。
The output information of one department can directly become the input information of the next department, forms a uniform data stream which lives up to the principle of "input once, use many times" so as to guarantee the data consistency. 一个部门的操作结果直接成为下一个部门的输入信息,形成数据统一的数据流,真正做到数据一次录入,多次使用,保证了一致性。
Development board to achieve DVB-S2 standard fixed modulation coding mode, single MPEG-2 TS stream input modulator function, and the modulator can be used to design and debug the the various modules of the DVB-S2 modulator. 开发板能够实现DVB-S2标准中固定调制编码模式、单MPEG-2TS流输入的调制器功能,并且能够对调制器的各模块分别进行设计和调试。